Sunday, November 8, 2015

Technology For Students

Lighten That Load: Tablet Textbooks

10 Must-Have Technologies for Students

Textbooks can be a drag. Literally. They've been weighing down backpacks for years. While the ability to be free of them has been around for a long time, the idea is just starting to gain traction. A few years back, Kno unveiled a textbook-sized tablet device with dual screens. The tablet itself didn't take off but company co-founder Osman Rashid went on to foundChegg, an e-textbook company that gets textbooks on all sorts of tablets, including the iPad and Android devices. Chegg customers can rent or buy textbooks and access them with a Web browser.
The plastic moving parts of a slide rule or the click of an abacus once represented the only computing power needed to accompany learning. Now, there is not an educational subject, classroom tool, or organizational product left untouched by technology. Teachers are using SMART Boards to create interactive lessons for students that expand minds far beyond dry chalk. With advances in learning-centric websites and Web software, students are taking initiative and self-directing their learning. Textbooks are by no stretch extinct, but how they are published, distributed, and experienced has evolved digitally. The pencil and pen are no longer a sole, lonely analog experience; digital pens and unique digital-capture paper are wholly transforming note taking.
The classroom is becoming more and more untethered. With the explosion of mobile devices, smartphones, laptops, and tablets are taking a more central role in the classroom. Technologies that once received blame for the decline of education are now fostering real, measurable learning. Lessons are not confined to the school day or even to one school. With the tech tools now available to learn at any time and from any place, even those not enrolled in a course of study can find some time to get the benefits of a little education.
Our story looks at how the backpack basics (i.e. textbooks, notebooks, etc.) and even the packs themselves have entered a new era. Yes, even backpacks have succumbed to the tech age, using the sun's energy to power the many gadgets we tote.
This fall, ditch the humdrum pen-and-paper routine and school yourself in the best technologies for the classroom and campus life.
Other than your laptops, your tablets, your e-readers and your smart phones, what other technologies are available for the modern student, and how can they help promote and speed up learning?

Below is a list of relatively new innovative developments in student technology, combiningtechnology and education both in and outside of the classroom. If you’re a student interested in any of these devices, make sure you have the budget before you get too excited…

1. Smart pens

A simple yet nonetheless impressive fusing of of technology and education, the smart pen is a pen that allows you to digitally record all your notes from classes and lectures via smart software which digitalizes your written text, and a sensitive microphone which records audio. Once uploaded, smart pen programs such as the Livescribe Echo Smartpen will allow you mark any
point in your digitalized text and play the audio that coincides with the time you wrote the note.
After use, the smart pen’s software allows you to upload your recordings and notes onto programs such as Evernote or Google Docs. So whether you’re using the smart pen simply to record a lecture, or a journalism or business student using the device during a field outing or meeting, Livescribe is the digital native’s way of keeping on top of academic notes.

2. Digital textbooks

As the tablet and the e-reader become increasingly popular mainstream student technologies, so too do digital textbooks. And with the digital versions being remarkably easy to use, streamlined and lightweight, when given the choice between lugging around the complete works of Shakespeare or having them all available on one e-reader, it’s easy to see why the popularity of digital textbooks is growing.
Not only do digital textbooks weigh markedly less than even one printed textbook, there’s also the added bonus that digital textbooks cost around 40% less than printed textbooks; combining technology and education doesn’t always have to be expensive. Chegg is a useful student resource for finding cheaper digital textbooks, as well as providing homework help and internship opportunities.
At some universities, this student technology has been used to digitalize course materials, allowing students to interact more with their reading and activities through class collaboration and customization.

3. Tech backpacks

If you’ve ever been out and about on campus with a bag full of technology that’s all run out of juice, then you might be interested in hearing about tech backpacks – bags that not only store all your student technology tidily and safely, but also allow you to charge your devices without the need for a plug socket. Running off solar energy panels on the front of the bag, tech backpacks offered by companies such as Voltaic andEclipse are brilliant for those who can’t live long without access to technology. And that’s not all; by using solar power, tech backpacks are often environmentally friendly too!

4. Smart lights

Depending on how much time you spend inside your flat or house as a student, and how much the revision you do depends on good lighting, you might like to get your hands on a smart light. Smart light functions vary depending on the manufacturer but one example, the AwoX StriimLight, is a smart light that plugs into a socket like a normal bulb and streams music directly from a mobile device or computer via Bluetooth to play through the light’s very own speakers. This acts as the perfect student technology to use at a house party or gathering (saving your laptop and speakers from inevitable spillages), or as a revision aid which allows for soft lighting and background music. And, for those of you who love a bit of ambience when studying, LIFX smart lights feature a full spectrum of changeable colors that can be changed with the touch of a button to align with your revision mood.

5. Virtual keyboards

Keyboards you can fold up and take with you have been around long enough for us to realize how handy they are for hooking up to mobile devices for typing on the go. But there’s a newer, better innovation being bought to market… the virtualkeyboard. Yeah, it’s happened, and it is as good as it sounds. A virtual keyboard, such as the Cube Laser Virtual Keyboard, utilizes laser technology and functions as a wireless device that you can connect to any mobile or tablet via Bluetooth. The keyboard device itself, little larger than a Tic Tac box, stands on your desk and once turned on, issues a red laser QWERTY keyboard for you to type on to directly. Your text is synced onto your device in real time.
If you’ve ever wanted to feel like one of those futuristic spy-tech operatives in the James Bond movies, the virtual keyboard is for you.

6. Noise-cancelling headphones

While noise-cancelling headphones are great for those who enjoy listening to their music much too loud on public transport, they also act as a great way to maintain study concentration by lessening the distractions of the outside world. Whether you’re revising to the quiet sounds of the ocean in the library or letting off steam with a head-banging session to Metallica at 3am, noise-cancelling headphones are a brilliant way to ensure no one will ever again be distracted by stuff they don’t want to be distracted by.
Perfect for revision and ignoring the guy eating crisps in the library’s quiet zone.

7. Encrypted flash drives

To make absolutely sure no one steals your dissertation, invest in an encrypted flash drive/USB which requires a PIN in order to access any work stored on it. This may not solve the problem of constantly leaving your flash drive connected to the library computers, but it will hopefully stop anyone from thieving the device for themselves, as without the user-defined PIN the information held on the drive is rendered useless. One such drive is the LOK-IT Secure Flash Drive which features a PIN number display.

Other useful student technology

  • LiveBinders – acts as a digital ring binder, allowing you to put all your resources together in one clean file, including digital resources such as PDFs, videos and web pages.
  • Laptop locks – laptop locks are becoming more and more essential in the age of the digital native.
  • Phone charging cases – allow smartphone users to charge their phones without the need for a power cable. Brilliant.
  • Webcams – webcams are getting better and better these days and are a must-have if you plan to do any video calling home and don’t have an integrated camera.
  • Laptop cooling mats – if you have a problem with cooling your laptop down, consider using a cooling mat – not really a feat specifically for technology and education, but can be very handy for keeping your legs cool while studying!
  • Change in Student and Teacher Roles

    When students are using technology as a tool or a support for communicating with others, they are in an active role rather than the passive role of recipient of information transmitted by a teacher, textbook, or broadcast. The student is actively making choices about how to generate, obtain, manipulate, or display information. Technology use allows many more students to be actively thinking about information, making choices, and executing skills than is typical in teacher-led lessons. Moreover, when technology is used as a tool to support students in performing authentic tasks, the students are in the position of defining their goals, making design decisions, and evaluating their progress.
    The teacher's role changes as well. The teacher is no longer the center of attention as the dispenser of information, but rather plays the role of facilitator, setting project goals and providing guidelines and resources, moving from student to student or group to group, providing suggestions and support for student activity. As students work on their technology-supported products, the teacher rotates through the room, looking over shoulders, asking about the reasons for various design choices, and suggesting resources that might be used. (See example of teacher as coach.)
    Project-based work (such as the City Building Project and the Student-Run Manufacturing Company) and cooperative learning approaches prompt this change in roles, whether technology is used or not. However, tool uses of technology are highly compatible with this new teacher role, since they stimulate so much active mental work on the part of students. Moreover, when the venue for work is technology, the teacher often finds him or herself joined by many peer coaches--students who are technology savvy and eager to share their knowledge with others.
  • Increased Motivation and Self Esteem

    The most common--and in fact, nearly universal--teacher-reported effect on students was an increase in motivation. Teachers and students are sometimes surprised at the level of technology-based accomplishment displayed by students who have shown much less initiative or facility with more conventional academic tasks:
    The kids that don't necessarily star can become the stars. [with technology]. My favorite is this boy . . . who had major problems at home. He figured out a way to make music by getting the computer to play certain letters by certain powers and it changed the musical tone of the note and he actually wrote a piece. He stayed in every recess. . . . When I asked him what he was working on, he wouldn't tell me. Then he asked if he could put his HyperCard stack on my computer because it was hooked up to speakers. I said "sure" and at recess. . . he put it on my computer and played his music and literally stopped the room. And for months he had kids begging him at recess, every recess, to teach them how to make music. And for that particular kid it was the world because he really was not successful academically and was having lots of problems. . . . This really changed him for that school year. -Elementary school teacher
    Teachers talked about motivation from a number of different perspectives. Some mentioned motivation with respect to working in a specific subject area, for example, a greater willingness to write or to work on computational skills. Others spoke in terms of more general motivational effects--student satisfaction with the immediate feedback provided by the computer and the sense of accomplishment and power gained in working with technology:
    Kids like the immediate results. It's not a result that you can get anywhere else except on the computer. . . . For them it really is a big deal. Much more so than I ever though it was going to be. --Elementary school teacher
    Technology is the ultimate carrot for students. It's something they want to master. Learning to use it enhances their self-esteem and makes them excited about coming to school. --Fifth grade teacher
    The computer has been an empowering tool to the students. They have a voice and it's not in any way secondary to anybody else's voice. It's an equal voice. So that's incredibly positive. Motivation to use technology is very high. --Elementary school teacher
    In many of these classes, students choose to work on their technology-based projects during recess or lunch periods. Teachers also frequently cite technology's motivational advantages in providing a venue in which a wider range of students can excel. Compared to conventional classrooms with their stress on verbal knowledge and multiple-choice test performance, technology provides a very different set of challenges and different ways in which students can demonstrate what they understand (e.g., by programming a simulation to demonstrate a concept rather than trying to explain it verbally).
    A related technology effect stressed by many teachers was enhancement of student self esteem. Both the increased competence they feel after mastering technology-based tasks and their awareness of the value placed upon technology within our culture, led to increases in students' (and often teachers') sense of self worth.
    I see more confidence in the kids here. . . . I think it's not just computers, it's a multitude of things, but they can do things on the computers that most of their parents can't do and that's very empowering and exciting for them. It's "I can sit down and make this machine pretty much do what I want to," and there's something about that that gives them an extra little boost of, "Wow, I'm a pretty special person." --Elementary school teacher
    Students clearly take pride in being able to use the same computer-based tools employed by professionals. As one teacher expressed it, "Students gain a sense of empowerment from learning to control the computer and to use it in ways they associate with the real world." Technology is valued within our culture. It is something that costs money and that bestows the power to add value. By giving students technology tools, we are implicitly giving weight to their school activities. Students are very sensitive to this message that they, and their work, are important.

    Technical Skills

    Students, even at the elementary school level, are able to acquire an impressive level of skill with a broad range of computer software (see examples). Although the specific software tools in use will likely change before these students enter the world of work, the students acquire a basic understanding of how various classes of computer tools behave and a confidence about being able to learn to use new tools that will support their learning of new software applications.

  • Accomplishment of More Complex Tasks

    Teachers for the observed classes and activities at the case study sites were nearly unanimous also in reporting that students were able to handle more complex assignments and do more with higher-order skills (see examples) because of the supports and capabilities provided by technology.

    More Collaboration with Peers

    Another effect of technology cited by a great majority of teachers is an increased inclination on the part of students to work cooperatively and to provide peer tutoring. While many of the classrooms we observed assigned technology-based projects to small groups of students, as discussed above, there was also considerable tutoring going on around the use of technology itself. Collaboration is fostered for obvious reasons when students are assigned to work in pairs or small groups for work at a limited number of computers. But even when each student has a computer, teachers note an increased frequency of students helping each other. Technology-based tasks involve many subtasks (e.g., creating a button for a HyperCard stacks or making columns with word processing software), leading to situations where students need help and find their neighbor a convenient source of assistance. Students who have mastered specific computer skills generally derive pride and enjoyment from helping others.
    In addition, the public display and greater legibility of student work creates an invitation to comment. Students often look over each others' shoulders, commenting on each others' work, offering assistance, and discussing what they are doing.
    I've also seen kids helping each other a lot at the computer. The ones that pick it up faster, they love teaching it to someone that doesn't know it yet. --Fifth-grade teacher
    The ones who have used it from the beginning have become peer coaches. --Fifth-grade teacher
    Students' ability to collaborate on substantive content can be further enhanced through the use of software applications specifically designed for this purpose. Students in several classes at one of our case study sites used a research package called CSILE (Computer Supported Intentional Learning Environment), for building a communal database and exchanging comments about each others' ideas.
    One of our teacher informants made the point that the technology invites peer coaching and that once established, this habit carries over into other classroom activities:
    It's a much more facilitating atmosphere because the kids help each other so much on the computer. It changes the style and the tone of the classroom a lot. --Elementary school teacher
    Though the use of technology often promoted collaboration and cooperation among students at these case study sites, there were still concerns about appropriate student conduct. Many schools implementacceptable use policies, especially if they offer students access to the Internet. (See examples of Sharenet's formal technology use agreement or other acceptable use policies.)

    Increased Use of Outside Resources

    Teachers from 10 out of 17 classrooms observed at length cited increased use of outside resources as a benefit of using technology. This effect was most obvious in classrooms that had incorporated telecommunications activities (see examples), but other classes used technologies such as satellite broadcasts, telefacsimiles, and the telephone to help bring in outside resources.

    Improved Design Skills/Attention to Audience

    Experiences in developing the kinds of rich, multimedia products that can be produced with technology, particularly when the design is done collaboratively so that students experience their peers' reactions to their presentations, appear to support a greater awareness of audience needs and perspectives. Multiple media give students choices about how best to convey a given idea (e.g., through text, video, animation). In part because they have the capability to produce more professional-looking products and the tools to manipulate the way information is presented, students in many technology-using classes are reportedly spending more time on design and audience presentation issues.
    They also do more stylistic things in terms of how the paper looks, and if there is something they want to emphasize, they'll change the font . . . they're looking at the words they're writing in a different way. They're not just thinking about writing a sentence, they're doing that, but they are also thinking about, "This is a really important word" or "This is something I want to stand out." And they're thinking in another completely different way about their audience. --Elementary school teacher
    While most teachers were positive about the design consciousness that technology fosters, a potential downside was also noted by a few teachers. It is possible for students to get so caught up in issues such as type font or audio clips that they pay less attention to the substantive content of their product. We observed one computer lab within which several students with a research paper assignment spent the entire period coloring and editing the computer graphics for the covers of their as-yet-unwritten reports, pixel by pixel. Teachers are developing strategies to make sure that students do not get distracted by some of the more enticing but less substantive features of technology, for example, by limiting the number of fonts and font sizes available to their students.
  • World's First Satellite-Powered Tablet To Use Newtec Technology For E-Learning

    Satellite solution provider Yazmi today announced a new e-learning scheme using the first satellite-enabled tablet, called Odyssey(TM), and Newtec's multicast technology to deliver content via satellite to rural, remote and low income regions in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. The end-to-end content delivery system aims to improve performance outcomes for students and teachers in areas where there is weak computing and Internet infrastructure. The first pilots of the technology are taking place in India (with 30,000 licenses) and the sub-Saharan region in Africa, with the latest trials in two schools in South Africa, in Rietkol, in Mpumalanga Province, and at Heathfield, in Western Cape.
    In Western Cape, tablets have been deployed for the pilot, which started in October during the fourth term of the current academic year and will continue until December. Each student in Grade 6 has received an Odyssey 700 tablet and can now access live lectures, as well as supplementary material, via classroom servers installed at each school using the WLAN interface. Solar chargers have also been provided.
    "We believe satellite is the perfect candidate for e-learning connectivity," said Noah Samara, Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Yazmi. "With our system in place the possibilities are endless - lectures can be live streamed from any location, teacher training courses can be offered and having a connected device for multimedia consumption allows teachers and students to access and store high quality educational content. Empowered with Newtec's multicast gear it is quite unique in the market."
    Yazmi's solution utilizes the AfriStar and AsiaStar data multicasting satellites and the world's first truly satellite-enabled tablet to provide Governments with access to a special e-learning channel. Approved educational content can then be transmitted to all tablet users via one single transmission thanks to TelliCast, Newtec's multicast distribution software platform.
    As well as transmitting live lectures from a remote teacher, Odyssey also enables the sharing of digital textbooks and notebooks, educational apps, preparatory materials and other files. Teachers can also use the tablet to access live training modules, helping them to be better prepared and more confident in the classroom.
    "We are proud to be a part of this very important scheme which has the potential to create sustainable economic growth through a more educated and healthier community," said Newtec's CEO Serge Van Herck. "Our technology ensures the content required for students and teachers is delivered in a reliable, secure and controlled manner."
    Newtec's TelliCast, which enables the reliable distribution of files, directory structures and data streams, consists of a server package combined with a set of software clients that can be installed on computers or embedded into a variety of receiver devices. For Yazmi, the result is a multicast allowing educational content to be distributed to a large number of recipients with only one single transmission.

Technology is everywhere, entwined in almost every part of our lives. It affects how we shop, socialize, connect, play, and most importantly learn. With their great and increasing presence in our lives it only makes sense to have mobile technology in the classroom. Yet there are some schools that are delaying this imminent future of using technology in the classroom as the valuable learning tool it is.
Here is a list of ten reasons your school should implement technology in the classroom.
technology in the classroom, why technology is important in today's schools, school wireless networks,

1) If used correctly, will help prepare students for their future careers, which will inevitably include the use of wireless technology.
2) Integrating technology into the classroom is definitely a great way to reach diversity in learning styles.
3) It gives students the chance to interact with their classmates more by encouraging collaboration.
technology in the classroom, school wireless networks, 4) Technology helps the teachers prepare students for the real world environment. As our nation becomes increasingly more technology-dependent, it becomes even more necessary that to be successful citizens, students must learn to be tech-savvy.
5) Integrating technology in education everyday helps students stay engaged. Today’s students love technology so they are sure to be interested in learning if they can use the tools they love.
Also Read | "The Future of eBooks: Preparing Interactive Content in Education"
6) With technology, the classroom is a happier place. Students are excited about being able to use technology and therefore are more apt to learn.
technology in the classroom, school wireless networks, wifi service providers,
7) When mobile technology is readily available in the classroom, students are able to access the most up-to-date information quicker and easier than ever before.
8) The traditional passive learning mold is broken. With technology in the classroom the teacher becomes the encourager, adviser, and coach.
9) Students become more responsible. Technology helps students take more control over their own learning. They learn how to make their own decisions and actually think for themselves.
Also Read | "Update: How Students are Using Technology in the Classroom 2013"
technology in the classroom, school wireless networks, wifi companies,
10) Student can have access to digital textbooks that are constantly updated and often more vivid, helpful, creative, and a lot cheaper than those old heavy books.
If your school is still debating using the latest technology, I hate to break it to you, but it’s the inevitable future of education anyways. It is important that school wireless networks keep up with the ever changing technology in order to keep up with our students. From the ease of communicating with their teachers via e-mail, to quickly accessing an overabundance of information online about a particular topic they have learned about in class, technology is needed in today's classroom.

Financial technology

Financial technology, also known as FinTech, is a line of business based on using software to provide financial services. Financial technology companies are generally startupsfounded with the purpose of disrupting incumbent financial systems and corporations that rely less on software.
Global investment in financial technology more than tripled to $4 billion in 2013 from $930 million in 2008. The nascent financial technology industry has seen rapid growth over the last few years, according to the office of the Mayor of London. Forty percent of London's workforce is employed in financial and technology services.Some of the better-known FinTech companies in London include FundingCircle, Nutmeg and TransferWise.
In the United States, there are a numerous FinTech startups, including several of the best-known companies, such as Betterment, Lending Club, Prosper, SoFi, Square, and Stripe (along with others, such as LOYAL3, MaxMyInterest, Robinhood and Wealthfront).
In Europe, $1.5 billion was invested in financial technology companies in 2014, with London-based companies receiving $539 million, Amsterdam-based companies $306 million, and Stockholm-based companies receiving $266 million in investment. After London, Stockholm is the second highest funded city in the EU in the past 10 years. 
In the Asia Pacific region, the growth will see a new financial technology hub to be opened in Sydney, Australia, in April 2015.There is already a number of strong financial technology players like Tyro Payments, Nimble, Stockspot, Pocketbook and SocietyOne in the market and the new hub will help further accelerate the growth of the sector. A financial technology innovation lab is also being launched in Hong Kong to help foster innovation in financial services using technology.
Within the academic community, Wharton FinTech was founded at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania in October 2014 with the objective of connecting academics, innovators, investors, and other thought leaders within the FinTech industry to each other and to the ideas that are reinventing global financial services. The University of Hong Kong Law School in conjunction with the University of New South Wales have published a research paper tracing back the evolution of FinTech and its regulation.
The National Digital Research Centre in DublinIreland, defines financial technology as "innovation in financial services", adding that "the term has started to be used for broader applications of technology in the space – to front-end consumer products, to new entrants competing with existing players, and even to new paradigms such as Bitcoin.
In the financial advisory sector, established players such as Fidelity Investments have partnered with financial technology startups such as FutureAdvisor (recently acquired by BlackRock), allowing new technology to work within a prominent custodian. Even celebrities including Snoop Dogg and Nas are beginning to put their resources into the nascent fintech space by investing in financial technology startup Robinhood.
Finance is seen as one of the industries most vulnerable to disruption by software because financial services, much like publishing, are made of bits rather than concrete goods. While finance has been shielded by regulation until now, and weathered the dot-com boom without major upheaval, a new wave of startups is increasingly "disaggregating" global banks.However, aggressive enforcement of the Bank Secrecy Act and money transmission regulations represents an ongoing threat to FinTech companies.
In addition to established competitors, FinTech companies often face doubts from financial regulators. Data security is another issue regulators are concerned about because of the threat of hacking as well as the need to protect sensitive consumer and corporate financial data.Any data breach, no matter how small, can ruin a FinTech company's reputation.The online financial sector is also an increasing target of distributed denial of service extortion attacks. Marketing is another challenge as most FinTech companies as they are often outspent by larger rivals. This security challenge is also faced by historical bank companies since they do offer Internet connected customer services.

Big data

Big data is a broad term for data sets so large or complex that traditional data processing applications are inadequate. Challenges include analysis, capture, data curation, search, sharing, storage, transfer, visualization, and information privacy. The term often refers simply to the use of predictive analytics or other certain advanced methods to extract value from data, and seldom to a particular size of data set. Accuracy in big data may lead to more confident decision making. And better decisions can mean greater operational efficiency, cost reduction and reduced risk.
Analysis of data sets can find new correlations, to "spot business trends, prevent diseases, combat crime and so on.Scientists, business executives, practitioners of media, and advertising and governments alike regularly meet difficulties with large data sets in areas including Internet search, finance and business informatics. Scientists encounter limitations in e-Science work, including meteorology,genomics,connectomics, complex physics simulations.and biological and environmental research
Data sets grow in size in part because they are increasingly being gathered by cheap and numerous information-sensing mobile devices, aerial (remote sensing), software logs, cameras, microphones, radio-frequency identification (RFID) readers, and wireless sensor networks.The world's technological per-capita capacity to store information has roughly doubled every 40 months since the 1980s;as of 2012, every day 2.5 exabytes (2.5×1018) of data were created;The challenge for large enterprises is determining who should own big data initiatives that straddle the entire organization.
Work with big data is necessarily uncommon; most analysis is of "PC size" data, on a desktop PC or notebook that can handle the available data set.
Relational database management systems and desktop statistics and visualization packages often have difficulty handling big data. The work instead requires "massively parallel software running on tens, hundreds, or even thousands of servers".[13] What is considered "big data" varies depending on the capabilities of the users and their tools, and expanding capabilities make big data a moving target. Thus, what is considered "big" one year becomes ordinary later. "For some organizations, facing hundreds of gigabytes of data for the first time may trigger a need to reconsider data management options. For others, it may take tens or hundreds of terabytes before data size becomes a significant consideration.
Big data usually includes data sets with sizes beyond the ability of commonly used software tools to capture, curate, manage, and process data within a tolerable elapsed time.Big data "size" is a constantly moving target, as of 2012 ranging from a few dozen terabytes to many petabytes of data. Big data is a set of techniques and technologies that require new forms of integration to uncover large hidden values from large datasets that are diverse, complex, and of a massive scale.
In a 2001 research report and related lectures, META Group (now Gartner) analyst Doug Laney defined data growth challenges and opportunities as being three-dimensional, i.e. increasing volume (amount of data), velocity (speed of data in and out), and variety (range of data types and sources). Gartner, and now much of the industry, continue to use this "3Vs" model for describing big data. In 2012, Gartner updated its definition as follows: "Big data is high volume, high velocity, and/or high variety information assets that require new forms of processing to enable enhanced decision making, insight discovery and process optimization."] Additionally, a new V "Veracity" is added by some organizations to describe it.
Gartner’s definition of the 3Vs is still widely used, and in agreement with a consensual definition that states that "Big Data represents the Information assets characterized by such a High Volume, Velocity and Variety to require specific Technology and Analytical Methods for its transformation into Value".The 3Vs have been expanded to other complementary characteristics of big data
  • Volume: big data doesn't sample. It just observes and tracks what happens
  • Velocity: big data is often available in real-time
  • Variety: big data draws from text, images, audio, video; plus it completes missing pieces through data fusion
  • Machine Learning: big data often doesn't ask why and simply detects patterns
  • Digital footprint: big data is often a cost-free byproduct of digital interaction
The growing maturity of the concept fosters a more sound difference between big data and Business Intelligence, regarding data and their use
  • Business Intelligence uses descriptive statistics with data with high information density to measure things, detect trends etc.;
  • Big data uses inductive statistics and concepts from nonlinear system identification [26] to infer laws (regressions, nonlinear relationships, and causal effects) from large sets of data with low information density to reveal relationships, dependencies and perform predictions of outcomes and behaviors.
  •  popular tutorial article published in IEEE Access Journal, the authors classified existing definitions of big data into three categories, namely, Attribute Definition, Comparative Definition and Architectural Definition. The authors also presented a big-data technology map that illustrates the key technology evolution for big data.
Big data can be described by the following characteristics
The quantity of generated data is important in this context. The size of the data determines the value and potential of the data under consideration, and whether it can actually be considered big data or not. The name ‘big data’ itself contains a term related to size, and hence the characteristic.
The type of content, and an essential fact that data analysts must know. This helps people who are associated with and analyze the data to effectively use the data to their advantage and thus uphold its importance.
In this context, the speed at which the data is generated and processed to meet the demands and the challenges that lie in the path of growth and development.
The inconsistency the data can show at times—-which can hamper the process of handling and managing the data effectively.
The quality of captured data, which can vary greatly. Accurate analysis depends on the veracity of source data.
Data management can be very complex, especially when large volumes of data come from multiple sources. Data must be linked, connected, and correlated so users can grasp the information the data is supposed to convey.
Factory work and Cyber-physical systems may have a 6C system:
  • Connection (sensor and networks)
  • Cloud (computing and data on demand)
  • Cyber (model and memory)
  • Content/context (meaning and correlation)
  • Community (sharing and collaboration)
  • Customization (personalization and value)
Data must be processed with advanced tools (analytics and algorithms) to reveal meaningful information. Considering visible and invisible issues in, for example, a factory, the information generation algorithm must detect and address invisible issues such as machine degradation, component wear, etc. on the factory floor.
In 2000, Seisint Inc. developed a C++-based distributed file-sharing framework for data storage and query. The system stores and distributes structured, semi-structured, andunstructured data across multiple servers. Users can build queries in a modified C++ called ECL. ECL uses an "apply schema on read" method to infer the structure of stored data at the time of the query. In 2004, LexisNexis acquired Seisint Inc. and in 2008 acquired ChoicePoint, Inc. and their high-speed parallel processing platform. The two platforms were merged into HPCC Systems and in 2011, HPCC was open-sourced under the Apache v2.0 License. Currently, HPCC and Quantcast File Systemare the only publicly available platforms capable of analyzing multiple exabytes of data.
In 2004, Google published a paper on a process called MapReduce that used such an architecture. The MapReduce framework provides a parallel processing model and associated implementation to process huge amounts of data. With MapReduce, queries are split and distributed across parallel nodes and processed in parallel (the Map step). The results are then gathered and delivered (the Reduce step). The framework was very successful, so others wanted to replicate the algorithm. Therefore, an implementation of the MapReduce framework was adopted by an Apache open-source project named Hadoop.
MIKE2.0 is an open approach to information management that acknowledges the need for revisions due to big data implications identified in an article titled "Big Data Solution Offering". The methodology addresses handling big data in terms of useful permutations of data sources, complexity in interrelationships, and difficulty in deleting (or modifying) individual records.
Recent studies show that the use of a multiple-layer architecture is an option for dealing with big data. The Distributed Parallel architecture distributes data across multiple processing units, and parallel processing units provide data much faster, by improving processing speeds. This type of architecture inserts data into a parallel DBMS, which implements the use of MapReduce and Hadoop frameworks. This type of framework looks to make the processing power transparent to the end user by using a front-end application server.
Big Data Analytics for Manufacturing Applications can be based on a 5C architecture (connection, conversion, cyber, cognition, and configuration).
The data lake allows an organization to shift its focus from centralized control to a shared model to respond to the changing dynamics of information management. This enables quick segregation of data into the data lake, thereby reducing the overhead time.
Big data requires exceptional technologies to efficiently process large quantities of data within tolerable elapsed times. A 2011 McKinsey report suggests suitable technologies include A/B testing, crowdsourcing, data fusion and integration, genetic algorithms, machine learning, natural language processing, signal processing, simulation, time series analysis and visualisation. Multidimensional big data can also be represented as tensors, which can be more efficiently handled by tensor-based computation, such asmultilinear subspace learning. Additional technologies being applied to big data include massively parallel-processing (MPP) databases, search-based applications, data mining, distributed file systems, distributed databases, cloud-based infrastructure (applications, storage and computing resources) and the Internet.
Some but not all MPP relational databases have the ability to store and manage petabytes of data. Implicit is the ability to load, monitor, back up, and optimize the use of the large data tables in the RDBMS.
DARPA’s Topological Data Analysis program seeks the fundamental structure of massive data sets and in 2008 the technology went public with the launch of a company calledAyasdi.
The practitioners of big data analytics processes are generally hostile to slower shared storage, preferring direct-attached storage (DAS) in its various forms from solid state drive (SSD) to high capacity SATA disk buried inside parallel processing nodes. The perception of shared storage architectures—Storage area network (SAN) and Network-attached storage (NAS) —is that they are relatively slow, complex, and expensive. These qualities are not consistent with big data analytics systems that thrive on system performance, commodity infrastructure, and low cost.
Real or near-real time information delivery is one of the defining characteristics of big data analytics. Latency is therefore avoided whenever and wherever possible. Data in memory is good—data on spinning disk at the other end of a FC SAN connection is not. The cost of a SAN at the scale needed for analytics applications is very much higher than other storage techniques.
There are advantages as well as disadvantages to shared storage in big data analytics, but big data analytics practitioners as of 2011 did not favour it.
Big data has increased the demand of information management specialists in that Software AG, Oracle Corporation, IBMSAP,EMC, HP and Dell have spent more than $15 billion on software firms specializing in data management and analytics. In 2010, this industry was worth more than $100 billion and was growing at almost 10 percent a year: about twice as fast as the software business as a whole.
, Microsoft,
Developed economies increasingly use data-intensive technologies. There are 4.6 billion mobile-phone subscriptions worldwide, and between 1 billion and 2 billion people accessing the internet. Between 1990 and 2005, more than 1 billion people worldwide entered the middle class, which means more people become more literate, which in turn leads to information growth. The world's effective capacity to exchange information through telecommunication networks was 281 petabytes in 1986, 471 petabytes in 1993, 2.2 exabytes in 2000, 65exabytes in 2007 and predictions put the amount of internet traffic at 667 exabytes annually by 2014. According to one estimate, one third of the globally stored information is in the form of alphanumeric text and still image data, which is the format most useful for most big data applications. This also shows the potential of yet unused data (i.e. in the form of video and audio content).
While many vendors offer off-the-shelf solutions for Big Data, experts recommend the development of in-house solutions custom-tailored to solve the company's problem at hand if the company has sufficient technical capabilities.

Risk management

Risk management is the identification, assessment, and prioritization of risks (defined in ISO 31000 as the effect of uncertainty on objectives) followed by coordinated and economical application of resources to minimize, monitor, and control the probability and/or impact of unfortunate events or to maximize the realization of opportunities. Risk management’s objective is to assure uncertainty does not deflect the endeavor from the business goals.
Risks can come from various sources: e.g., uncertainty in financial markets, threats from project failures (at any phase in design, development, production, or sustainment life-cycles), legal liabilities, credit risk, accidents, natural causes and disasters as well as deliberate attack from an adversary, or events of uncertain or unpredictable root-cause. There are two types of events i.e. negative events can be classified as risks while positive events are classified as opportunities. Several risk management standards have been developed including the Project Management Institute, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, actuarial societies, and ISO standards. Methods, definitions and goals vary widely according to whether the risk management method is in the context of project management, security, engineering, industrial processes, financial portfolios, actuarial assessments, or public health and safety.
Risk sources are more often identified and located not only in infrastructural or technological assets and tangible variables, but also in human factor variables, mental states and decision making. The interaction between human factors and tangible aspects of risk highlights the need to focus closely on human factors as one of the main drivers for risk management, a "change driver" that comes first of all from the need to know how humans perform in challenging environments and in face of risks (Daniele Trevisani, 2007). As the author describes, «it is an extremely hard task to be able to apply an objective and systematic self-observation, and to make a clear and decisive step from the level of the mere "sensation" that something is going wrong, to the clear understanding of how, when and where to act. The truth of a problem or risk is often obfuscated by wrong or incomplete analyses, fake targets, perceptual illusions, unclear focusing, altered mental states, and lack of good communication and confrontation of risk management solutions with reliable partners. This makes the Human Factor aspect of Risk Management sometimes heavier than its tangible and technological counterpart»
Strategies to manage threats (uncertainties with negative consequences) typically include avoiding the threat, reducing the negative effect or probability of the threat, transferring all or part of the threat to another party, and even retaining some or all of the potential or actual consequences of a particular threat, and the opposites for opportunities (uncertain future states with benefits).
Certain aspects of many of the risk management standards have come under criticism for having no measurable improvement on risk, whereas the confidence in estimates and decisions seem to increase. For example, it has been shown that one in six IT projects experience cost overruns of 200% on average, and schedule overruns of 70%.
Widely used vocabulary for risk management is defined by ISO Guide 73, "Risk management. Vocabulary."
In ideal risk management, a prioritization process is followed whereby the risks with the greatest loss (or impact) and the greatest probability of occurring are handled first, and risks with lower probability of occurrence and lower loss are handled in descending order. In practice the process of assessing overall risk can be difficult, and balancing resources used to mitigate between risks with a high probability of occurrence but lower loss versus a risk with high loss but lower probability of occurrence can often be mishandled.
Intangible risk management identifies a new type of a risk that has a 100% probability of occurring but is ignored by the organization due to a lack of identification ability. For example, when deficient knowledge is applied to a situation, a knowledge risk materializes. Relationship risk appears when ineffective collaboration occurs. Process-engagement risk may be an issue when ineffective operational procedures are applied. These risks directly reduce the productivity of knowledge workers, decrease cost-effectiveness, profitability, service, quality, reputation, brand value, and earnings quality. Intangible risk management allows risk management to create immediate value from the identification and reduction of risks that reduce productivity.
Risk management also faces difficulties in allocating resources. This is the idea of opportunity cost. Resources spent on risk management could have been spent on more profitable activities. Again, ideal risk management minimizes spending (or manpower or other resources) and also minimizes the negative effects of risks.


For the most part, these methods consist of the following elements, performed, more or less, in the following order.
  1. identify, characterize threats
  2. assess the vulnerability of critical assets to specific threats
  3. determine the risk (i.e. the expected likelihood and consequences of specific types of attacks on specific assets)
  4. identify ways to reduce those risks
  5. prioritize risk reduction measures based on a strategy

Principles of risk management

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) identifies the following principles of risk management:
Risk management should:
  • create value – resources expended to mitigate risk should be less than the consequence of inaction, or (as in value engineering), the gain should exceed the pain
  • be an integral part of organizational processes
  • be part of decision making process
  • explicitly address uncertainty and assumptions
  • be a systematic and structured process
  • be based on the best available information
  • be tailorable
  • take human factors into account
  • be transparent and inclusive
  • be dynamic, iterative and responsive to change
  • be capable of continual improvement and enhancement
  • be continually or periodically re-assessed

Composite risk index

The impact of the risk event is commonly assessed on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 and 5 represent the minimum and maximum possible impact of an occurrence of a risk (usually in terms of financial losses). However, the 1 to 5 scale can be arbitrary and need not be on a linear scale.

The probability of occurrence is likewise commonly assessed on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 represents a very low probability of the risk event actually occurring while 5 represents a very high probability of occurrence. This axis may be expressed in either mathematical terms (event occurs once a year, once in ten years, once in 100 years etc.) or may be expressed in "plain English" (event has occurred here very often; event has been known to occur here; event has been known to occur in the industry etc.). Again, the 1 to 5 scale can be arbitrary or non-linear depending on decisions by subject-matter experts.

The composite risk index thus can take values ranging (typically) from 1 through 25, and this range is usually arbitrarily divided into three sub-ranges. The overall risk assessment is then Low, Medium or High, depending on the sub-range containing the calculated value of the Composite Index. For instance, the three sub-ranges could be defined as 1 to 8, 9 to 16 and 17 to 25.

Note that the probability of risk occurrence is difficult to estimate, since the past data on frequencies are not readily available, as mentioned above. After all, probability does not imply certainty.

Likewise, the impact of the risk is not easy to estimate since it is often difficult to estimate the potential loss in the event of risk occurrence.
Further, both the above factors can change in magnitude depending on the adequacy of risk avoidance and prevention measures taken and due to changes in the external business environment. Hence it is absolutely necessary to periodically re-assess risks and intensify/relax mitigation measures, or as necessary. Changes in procedures, technology, schedules, budgets, market conditions, political environment, or other factors typically require re-assessment of risks.